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The Right Tool for the Job

Let me start this by saying that there will be a recipe involved. If you usually read for the recipe, stick with me for a few minutes. And as a heads up, this recipe is good for you. It really is. I promise. Oh, and we'll learn a little about mobile web sites along the way. My wife is on a smoothie diet. They have spinach in them. They also have apples and citrus and all sorts of other tasty things, but the spinach makes them green. The spinach also makes them good for you and to be fair, as long as I close my eyes when I drink them I can't taste the spinach. She claims that they are even better when they are made with crushed ice, which is great except for one small thing: we have lived there for three years and until last week-end the ice maker was not connected to the water supply. It's a 3 minute job with the right tools. I don't have those tools. Actually I do have those tools, I just don't know where they are currently because I also have an 8 yr old son. As I sat there trying to make do with the tools at hand ( which I did end up doing successfully while my wife asked me about the screwdriver in the copper pipe) I realized that my 3 min job had become a 30 minute job because I couldn't find what I needed. How does this relate to marketing you ask? Part of our job as marketers is to provide our customers with the tools they need to reach us. To make a connection to us. To buy from us. We need to make this as painless as possible. As easy as possible. As easy as making new friends. In following with that, take a look at your website on smartphone. Now, without zooming or using your keyboard, try to do these following things:
  • Call your business
  • Open an e-mail to your business
  • Get a map to your business
  • Save contact info to your phonebook
  • and (if applicable) Navigate to your Twitter and Facebook, and/or Linkedin account
Now scan the QR code shown here or navigate to and do it on my web page. Not bad, huh? This is how more and more of your customers are finding you. Are you giving them the right tools to buy from you when they do?
Oh , and drink this every morning and you'll feel great and lose weight.
Just, um, close your eyes when you drink it...........

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