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The Perfect Blend

Every so often I'll get a craving for one of the recipes I grew up on. My mother used to make pork chops and scalloped potatoes in a century old piece of crockery that you could smell cooking from a block away. It was amazing! Pork chops, potatoes, onions... I didn't even like onions but I would eat them with this dish. I would even eat the french-cut green beans she served with it every time. All of those flavors would just simmer together, and the result was absolutely delicious. On the other hand, most of us have been to a potluck or gathering where someone will bring that salad or casserole. You know the one. It has all the things that you love but for some reason they just don't taste all that great together. There's just no consistency... One of the terms that marketers have been moving to the forefront lately is "cross-channel marketing". Most of us are familiar with multi-channel marketing, and we understand the need and advantages of using multiple formats to reach an audience. Cross-channel marketing simply takes those formats, and applies the same voice, offer, and campaign to each of them. When it's done correctly the results are dramatic. The other key here is timing. Instead of sending all of your media at once, use the pieces to carry on a conversation. Start with social media and e-mail marketing letting your audience know you'll be sending them something physical. Send them a personalized letter with their offer, and asking them to fill out a quick online form. Follow up with a postcard thanking them for their time or reminding them of the offer. Each touch building on the last and each one consistent in it's message. The next time you're thinking about building a promotion, give us a call. AlphaGraphics of Carrollton has DMA certified staff that can help you build a campaign with multiple touches, a consistent message, and better results. We can even help you manage campaigns and break down the data when it's all said and done . It's what we do! Let us help you build a blend that keeps your customers coming back for more!            

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