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The Direct Mail Survival Guide

  When it comes to local marketing, it’s survival of the fittest. Knowing the lay of the land and having the skills to execute an effective campaign can make all the difference in the constantly evolving world of marketing. Don’t get left out in the cold! Read on to find out how to survive in the wild world of direct mail. Choose Your Demographic Wisely (Know the Lay of the Land) The first thing any survivalist will tell you to do is to know the lay of the land. Knowing who your audience is and where they are located and using that information to your benefit is key. The difference between great conversions and no conversions could come down to targeting the right age groups, genders, and incomes. While you evaluate your demographics, the next step in any survivalist’s guide is to find water. Watch out for Wildlife (Know your Competition) Any good survivalist knows that understanding friend and foe in the wilderness is key. It’s no different when it comes to running a successful direct mail campaign. You have to understand your competition, know how they are marketing and use it to your advantage. You also need to understand your audience. What do they respond to? When are they most likely to need your services? What companies do they work for and what types of jobs do they have? Using this data, you can determine when and how to run the most effective campaign. Know Your Paper Types (Know Your Trees) Now that your dominance is established over the other woodland creatures, it’s time to worry about two things: fire and shelter. You should know what paper types you will use to grab customers attention (your fire) and how you will package your direct mail piece (your shelter). Becoming intimately familiar with different paper types can be the difference between getting leads and ending up in the junk mail pile. Thick paper stocks can get more attention for your message and using dimensional mail (interesting packages or pop-up mailers for instance) increases open and response rates drastically. Don’t Forget Calls to Action (Start Your Fire) Once you’ve found the right material for your shelter and fire, you need to find a way to spark your fire. A great call to action (CTA) can provide the spark your campaign needs to succeed and create leads. The right CTA will spread and create a very successful lead generation campaign. The more you nurture these leads the larger your response will become. Simple Messaging (Smoke Signals) Don’t overcomplicate the information on your direct mail piece. Think of your messaging as a smoke signal. Get your message across, but don’t waste precious space with filler content. Tell customers why they should choose your business and what you can offer them. Use Dazzling Imagery (Find the High Ground) After a marketing survivalist has established the necessities, sometimes it’s nice to find a good spot to take in the view. Using dazzling imagery in your direct mail campaigns is the equivalent of locating a lookout. It provides a striking view and creates an emotional response. Whether it’s scenery or a deliverable, the thought process should be the same. With these tips, you can become a direct mail survivalist that can build a fantastic direct mail campaign from the ground up that invites response and encourages conversions. Want to learn more about how print can help your business? Stop in at AlphaGraphics in Lake Mary for expert advice and help planning your next direct mail campaign. This is article was written and provided by AlphaGraphics Inc., headquartered in Denver, CO.

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