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What does your price say about your company?

Price, price, price. As the owner of a small business, that can sometimes be the only thing we are thinking about when we present our solution to a prospect. "What is she going to think about our price", "Is this price so far out of line that I'll never get another shot?". Been there, done that. What does my price say about my company? If my price is higher than everyone else's, will my prospect see me as the best choice? If my price is high, I've gotta be worth it, right? If my price is lower than everyone else's, will my prospect see me as the sensible choice? After all, I was the cheapest, right? Nobody can blame her for choosing the least expensive! What if my price is right in the middle of everyone else. What does that say? Do we sound really, really good? Do we sound really, really affordable? Or do we sound muddled in the middle? No real identity. No real reason for consideration. What does your price say about your company? Is it saying what you want it to say? Or are you stuck in the middle, not even getting a chance to prove what you can do? Think about it. And let me know what you think.

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