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Seven Holiday Stress Busters

woman looking at her holiday list‘Tis the season of delicious food, heartwarming kindness, and quality time with loved ones. While the holidays are meant to bring us joy, this time of year can also be overwhelming and stressful. Between a seemingly endless list of tasks and a calendar brimming with social plans, it’s normal for burnout to sneak in among the glimmering lights and holiday cheer; however, with a few mindful changes and self-care habits, you can ensure you have the energy to focus on what’s important this holiday season–creating new and lasting memories with loved ones and giving back.

If you’re wondering where self-care fits into your already-crammed holiday schedule, throw that pen to the side! These tips are designed to reduce stress levels, not create a burden. From setting realistic expectations to turning to your community, here are seven ways to jingle your way to a calm and stress-free holiday season.

  1. Say No. Keeping stress levels low can be as simple as establishing boundaries and learning when to say no. While you might have the good intention of keeping everybody happy during the holiday season, creating an overloaded schedule makes it difficult to be truly present with loved ones and tap into the joy this time of year brings. By keeping a manageable calendar, you can gift yourself more time to rest and spend time with loved ones. Learning to balance what is necessary and what can wait or be crossed off your list is critical to protecting your mental health and eliminating stress during this year’s holiday celebrations.
  2. Stick to a Budget. A solid budget can keep your holiday cheer intact and help you avoid the annual financial frenzy of the holiday season. Planning proactively is an effective strategy for reducing financial stress this time of year. A suitable method is to write a list of everyone you must buy for with a budget. This method lets you know what you need to purchase and how much you’ll spend on each person or item. Looking for deals and using coupons and give-back sites like Rakuten or Honey will help you say goodbye to the stress of overspending.
  3. Focus on Your Health. Taking the time for self-care is crucial to having the energy to keep up with the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. There’s no shame in indulging in holiday treats, but be sure to balance it with healthy meals, solid sleeping habits, fresh air, and regular exercise, even if it’s just a walk in the park or a daily stretch. Other forms of self-care are necessary; although it can feel overwhelming to find time for yourself, it’s worth it. Give yourself one night a week to dive deep into a hobby, set aside a few minutes to journal, or even light some candles and take deep breaths. Showing yourself the same kindness and dedication that you give others can go a long way in replacing stress with motivation and peace.
  4. Set Realistic Expectations. Wanting to create a picture-perfect, Hallmark-esque holiday experience to enjoy with loved ones is understandable, but striving for perfection can lead to burnout and block out the true joy of the holidays. Manage your expectations by simplifying them and focusing on what matters–celebrating with and enjoying the company of family and friends. Setting realistic expectations also means being flexible when plans don’t turn out as expected. Inviting more ease and adaptability into your holiday schedule makes it easier to be grateful for what’s going right rather than focusing on what’s going wrong.
  5. Practice Mindfulness & Gratitude. The first step to freeing yourself from stress is realizing when you feel it. Taking the time to reflect and understand your feelings, rather than just keeping busy and pushing them to the wayside, gives you the power to decide how to move forward. From starting a meditation or yoga practice to setting aside a few minutes a day to journal or reflect, there are endless options for finding a routine that works for you and your schedule. Listing a handful of things you’re grateful for each morning can also replace stress with positive feelings. Studies have shown gratitude can benefit our mental and physical health.
  6. Give Back. Get outside your head by getting into the spirit of giving this holiday season. Supporting your community and those in need helps create feelings of positivity and joy. Giving back can be as time-consuming or straightforward as you want, whether you donate money to a local organization, participate in a toy drive, or volunteer your time feeding families at a local food bank.
  7. Keep Your Friends Close. Even though holiday social plans can leave us feeling socially exhausted, the right kind of friends help to fill your cup back up. Having a community that makes you feel loved, supported, and calm goes a long way when combating stress and can help you feel less alone when things become complicated or overwhelming. Instead of trying to fit even more plans into your schedule, try turning solo activities, like gift shopping or holiday preparations, into a social activity. Not only will this allow you to spend time with those you love, but it also lessens the burden of holiday errands.

AlphaGraphics Can Help Take the Stress Out of Your Holidays

Whether you’re shopping for holiday cards or gifts for your clients or employees, our team can help simplify your to-do list. Check out our website for all of the fantastic holiday products we offer. From design to production to delivery, we’ve got you covered!

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