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Using Large Format Signs and Banners to Kick Off School Athletics

Back to school is an exciting time of the year for parents, students and teachers alike—especially since this time of year is also primetime for school sports of all types! From aspiring football stars at the high school level to collegiate soccer players and beyond, there’s no shortage of athletics to get excited about when the school year begins anew. From the moment parenthood, begins it doesn't take too long to realize that a great stroller is necessary.Nonetheless, you need a good way to get around with your little one, and one of the most popular variations of stroller these days is the umbrella stroller, you can find the features of different models of umbrella stroller in With so many teams, players and game days in sight during the late summer/early fall months, it’s also a big time of year for large format signs and banners, to help promote each school’s teams. Banners and large signs are great ways to get people excited about upcoming games, team activities and more, and they’re used for everything from rallying support to encouraging tryouts to boosting team spirit! Just putting your school’s mascot on a banner and hanging it in the hallways isn’t going to rally the team, however: it takes a great looking, pride-inspiring call to action to fill the stands and get people on their feet for the hometown team. Take a look at a few essentials every team banner, poster or sign needs to have to make sure your school’s sports teams are getting the support they deserve from students, parents and fans: - Represent your school colors and show off your mascot! Nothing says school spirit like rallying behind the pride and joy of your institution and encouraging people to stand beside their school colors will have them flocking to games wearing school attire, waving homemade banners of their own and even buying official team merchandise to help support the boys and girls representing them on the field. - Share important information! A banner or poster is more than something that looks great—it’s all about informing people as well. Tell onlookers when important games are, where they’re being played, who you’re playing against and what they can do to cheer your team on. Having a team bake sale to support new uniforms? Are team members going to be volunteering somewhere? Get the information out there! - Show off your stars—even if it’s the whole team. When people can put a face to a cause—like your star quarterback or the undefeated women’s tennis team—they’re going to be more apt to come out and show their support! School athletics are a big part of the school experience at any level—whether your high school basketball team is riding an undefeated streak or the college football team is making a bowl run this year. Make sure people are getting the full experience and help them get excited about the teams that represent them by investing in a few forms of signage or banners! And remember, large format is the way to get someone’s attention—if you want to really make sure people are coming out in droves to support the home team, consider one of these print ideas in conjunction with a few good signs or banners: - Team calendars that show both home and away games and showcase players. - Sponsorship signs that can be placed around town, if your team has a corporate sponsor. - Rack cards with big game dates or team info on them. - Fliers that can be tacked up around campus as a friendly reminder on game days. The possibilities are endless! If you’re looking for a way to instill a little team spirit for the big back to school athletics activities on your calendar this fall, make sure you’re stopping by your local AlphaGraphics to speak with a print and marketing professional about what might work for you and your school. Go team!

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