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3 posts Filter
  • 4/19/2019
  • admin

Design Tips - Know Your Design Tools

Choose the Right Design Software for the Job! When it comes to design software, there are plenty of options.  Understanding what software or design tool to use based on the goals of your project are i...

  • 10/19/2016
  • admin

Test Your Printing Savvy + 5 Tips for Optimizing Print Files

RGB, CMYK, DPI, JPEG, PDF, TIFF—working with print files sometimes seems like one giant bowl of alphabet soup! And whether you’ve had a longtime relationship with a commercial printer or are just star...

  • 2/25/2015
  • admin

Superhero Profile - TYPEFACE

Meet TypeFace also known as Scott Crawford. He also goes by the alias of Bradley Hand. TypeFace is here to protect the world from the overuse of Calibri & Arial. He's sly, creative and clever. Y...
