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Directional Signs: Losing Your Way Is A Thing Of The Past

Directional Signage: Why It’s So Important

Directions. We all need them. If you want to get where you’re going and have never been there before, directions are clearly necessary for success. The same goes for your business. While signs can help promote your products, those who see them can’t just simply guess where to find your actual location. Once they arrive, they will be in need of more comprehensive signs to aid in finding the product they’re looking for. This is why successful businesses have directional signs.

Directional SignsWhere are the Signs?

You might be wondering where you would even use directional signs and how they could help your business. The truth is that most customers will often see a sign for your business, whether it be on a billboard or at a tradeshow, before they even see your actual physical business location. The goal is to direct traffic to your business to increase sales. Think of it this way: your business is a physical representation, but your signs are a visual representation. AlphaGraphics can custom make them with a team helping you expand your imagination while preserving the organization of your brand?

Options All Around!

Selecting the right kind of directional signs can be a bit overwhelming. Our team of experts at AlphaGraphics is here to help you narrow down your options according to the needs of your business. After you decide, we’ll be there with you to:
  • Design
  • Produce
  • Print
  • Ship or install
Indoor Directional SignsHere are some of our specific signage options:

How to Use Directional Signs

Directions lead you to where you want to go. Just as you would type in an address on Google Maps in order to find your destination, directional signs are what lead you to the physical location of a business. Here are some steps you can take to assure your directional signs are effectively pointing the way to your business:
  • Simplicity. When using directional signs, it’s important to keep it simple. Remember, these signs are leading the way to your business. There is no reason to complicate things for potential customers. Directions should be clear and easy to follow.
  • Planning. A smart choice to make when it comes to directional signage is planning out a wayfinding system. Don’t wait until the last minute to plan where to put your signs and what to put on them. If you don’t make this plan in advance, you won’t have time to work out any issues with your system.
  • Location. Location is everything! The difference between storefront signs and directional signs is that directional signs appear around and on the way to your business. Some great places might be at junctions and street corners where people are more likely to be searching for which way to go.
  • Direction. Directional signs can help with transforming a large group into a singular crowd. Just as transportation stations are built to get people from place to place, directional signs get your audience moving toward exactly where you want them to go. With the use of arrows and the address of your business, the different types of directional signs you choose can aid your customers in following them until they find their way to see your store sign.
When it comes to signs, the possibilities are endless. Using directional signs the right way will guarantee increased traffic toward your place of business and a stronger relationship between you and your customers. By choosing to carefully plan out and design the signs you are using, your customers will find their way to you in a more timely manner which is a large step in the right direction. Contact us to talk to one of our sign experts to help you with your next directional sign.

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