Book Printing & Self Publishing

At AlphaGraphics, our self-publishing and book printing services give you the most control and return on the investment you put in to writing your book.

Publish With AlphaGraphics

Trusted By Authors For Over 50 Years!

Request your free quote or consulation today!

Book binding: holding it all together

Ready to publish your book? We’ve got great news—dealing with impersonal corporate publishers is a thing of the past! AlphaGraphics in Orem makes self-publishing effortless so you can create an excellent product with the allure to drive sales.

Layout, design, cover content and binding—whatever your book printing needs, you can trust our team of experts at AlphaGraphics.

Are You Dreaming Of The Day

  • Do you dream of helping others through the publication of your book?
  • Do you dream of leaving a lasting legacy for your family?
  • Do you dream of others reading on the Internet that you are a published author and clicking to purchase your book at major book retailers?
  • Do you dream of signing copies of your book at a local bookstore, or maybe being interviewed by the local newspaper?

Benefits of Self Publishing

Self-publishing is for the entrepreneurial at heart, the hobbyist and educator. With a low barrier to self-publishing, it’s for anyone with an idea and desire to publish. AlphaGraphics in Orem offers:

  • Cover design
  • Interior page design
  • Book printing and binding
  • Marketing
  • Branding
  • Distribution

Let us help you get started
