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Alexandria and Arlington VA Real Estate Marketing Tips

The Virginia and D.C. real estate industry is highly competitive, and this is why it’s so important to have a solid marketing plan to attract new clients and homeowners. While real estate printed collateral is an essential factor, how you distribute it can mean the difference between a sale or a lost client. At AlphaGraphics of Alexandria and Arlington, we’ve helped many local realtors with their marketing needs. Read on to learn more about the various professional marketing services that you can utilize to generate new leads and improve business.

Direct Mail

How well are your direct mail campaigns performing? There are many different reasons why you’re not getting traction. The quality of your list, your offer, and even the design of the card could be limiting your response rates. One of the best ways to canvass an entire neighborhood is to take advantage of Every Door Direct Mail (EDDM) from the U.S. Post Office. You’ll be able to select a precise geographical area on a map and then have your mailers sent to every single address. If your direct mail campaigns are underperforming, get in touch with the marketing experts at AlphaGraphics of Alexandria and Arlington. We can help you figure out what’s wrong and what you need to improve.

Email Marketing

Email is another marketing staple of any savvy realtor. However, there’s a fine line, and many of them inadvertently cross it. This often occurs when they send out a boilerplate email that adds little to no value to the recipient. At best, they will delete your email—at worst, they’ll hit the “spam” button. Too many spam flags will cause Google and other email providers to put your emails on a blacklist where they’re automatically sent to the spam folder. Adding value is easy—write a blog post that offers tips on how to prepare your home for sale or create a thought leadership piece that analyzes the current market trends and provides insightful advice to homebuyers. Then summarize the content you just created in your email.

Lead Generation

Consider your list before you send a single email or drop your direct mailers into the mailbox. Marketing to a poor-quality list is like throwing a bottle in the ocean and hoping someone reads the message inside. A good quality list is comprised of people who are interested in your services and who are ready to buy, sell, or start the initial process. Lead generation services are the best way to compile a list of people eager to work with you. There are many ways to generate leads—from social media campaigns to website landing pages to purchasing high-quality lists. We start by identifying your ideal customer profile, that is, people who are most likely to respond to your mailers or emails. At this point, you can buy, rent, or generate your own list. The latter takes the longest amount of time but adds tremendous value because you are the only realtor marketing to that specific list.

Paid Search

Running a paid advertising campaign in the search engines without knowing what you’re doing is kind of like dumping money into a bottomless pit. Considering how expensive bidding on real estate keywords is on sites like Google and Facebook, spending your entire marketing budget doesn’t take long. Paid search marketing puts you in touch with a paid ads expert who can help you set up your campaigns and then optimize and dial them in overtime. They’ll help you discover new keywords that nobody is bidding on while ensuring that you’re experiencing a high ROI.

Social Media Marketing

The key to driving new leads through successful social media marketing is simply adding value. Determine who your competitors are and sign up (anonymously) to their Facebook, Instagram, and other social media profiles. Look at how they’re marketing to their audience. Are they simply making boring posts after boring posts about “If you need a realtor, call me!” or are they creating content that engages their audience and causes people to tell their friends? As a realtor, you’re probably pressed for time—a quick way to come up with social media content is to hire a copywriter to write blog posts every month that add value. Then simply repost a link and a short summary of the blog post to your social media accounts.

Real Estate Marketing Help in Alexandria and Arlington

Marketing your real estate business by yourself can be challenging. Let AlphaGraphics of Alexandria and Arlington experts assist with your next marketing campaign. Over the years, we’ve helped countless Alexandria and Arlington realtors design and create effective marketing campaigns. If you’d like to learn more about our design or event sign services, give us a call at (703) 549-2432 or contact us on our website.

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